Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Authority and Rebellion in Animal Farm free essay sample

All across the world, all throughout history, there has been authority, and there has been rebellion. It is a constant cycle of controversy that has, and will continue to, have an impact on the human race. The speech presented by Samuel L. Jackson and the novel â€Å"Animal Farm† by George Orwell both display noticeable forms of authority and rebellion. They both describe the injustice being committed and in one case, attempt to gain equality with authority, whilst the other tries to overthrow it. There is always a catalyst behind rebellion. In â€Å"Animal Farm† the entire concept of revolt was only introduced after Old Major, the respected boar, gathers the animals together and compares the strenuous life that they currently live to the more appealing life they could have were Mr. Jones, their authourative figure, to be usurped. Thus, the animals’ actions were motivated purely by greed. The people mentioned in the speech and song, unlike the animals, were already aware of inequity, however it wasn’t until President Lincoln initiated â€Å"America’s long and continuing journey toward equal justice† did the people realize that equality was possible, the defiant actions performed in the aftermath were motivated by his doings. We will write a custom essay sample on Authority and Rebellion in Animal Farm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In both texts, after the rebellion of the oppressed, there is a shift of power. As explained in both the speech and song, equal rights are gained and the presidential position is acquired by an African-American, and in the case of â€Å"Animal Farm† the animals gain control of the farm. Authority is an unbalanced position, there is constantly those who are unsatisfied with decisions being made and wish to gain control – and when control is not readily within reach, rebellion enters the picture. Even if power is gained, it is near impossible to satisfy every audience and rebellion once again becomes an issue. In most cases, authorative figures must manipulate their populace in order to discourage rebellion. This is shown in â€Å"Animal Farm† when Napoleon uses executions in order to instigate fear within the animals. It has been proven throughout time that authority cannot exist without rebellion. It is authority and rebellion that has shaped the world into what it is today. So long as greed – whether it is in good nature or not remains a fixture in every-day life, authority and rebellion will too.

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